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Despite The Risk Of Skin Cancer Sun Decks Still Popular.
Tanning bed use remains favourite all Americans, a unripe examine shows, notwithstanding reported links to an increased danger of skin cancer and the availability of safe ??spray-on?? tans. In fact, about one in every five women and more than 6 percent of men assert they use indoor tanning, University of Minnesota researchers report. ??Tanning is common, exceptionally to each babies women,?? said haunt author Kelvin Choi, a experimentation associate from the university?s School of Public Health freederm hc soothing dermal cream uk. ??The use of tanning is in truth higher than smoking??.
And ??People tan for artistic reasons,?? said Dr Cheryl Karcher, a dermatologist and scholastic spokeswoman for The Skin Cancer Foundation. ??A lot of public take oneself to be they face better with a little bit of color pengertian pendidikan menurut banyak para ahli. Eventually, society will realize that the skin you were born with is the outer layer that looks best on you??.
Karcher noted that there is no safe unfluctuating of tanning. ??Ultraviolet light damages the DNA of cells and makes cancer,?? she said. ??People should fully dodge indoor tanning. There is decidedly no reason for it. In the crave run, it?s really harmful??.
Yet, many seem heedless of the risk for skin cancer linked to tanning beds and don?t bear in mind avoiding them as a fashion to reduce their risk of skin cancer, the researchers noted. That?s unfortunate, Choi said, because ??the celebrity of indoor tanning amid boyish women may contribute to the recent expand of melanoma in women under 40?.
The report is published in the December number of the Archives of Dermatology. Skin cancer is the most normal form of cancer in the United States. According to the American Cancer Society, in 2009 there were about 1 million unfamiliar cases of melanoma and non-melanoma bark cancer and about 8650 Americans died from melanoma, the most baleful get of hide cancer.
Numerous studies have linked indoor tanning to a heightened gamble of skin cancer, including one lucubrate published in May that found that tanning bed use boosts the dissimilarity for melanoma. Early this year, an admonition panel to the US Food and Drug Administration also recommended a interdiction on the use of tanning beds by mobile vulgus under the age of 18.
For the renewed study, Choi and colleagues collected facts on almost 2900 people who took part in the 2005 Health Information National Trends study. In addition, 821 of these plebeians were asked about what they knew about preventing scrape cancer.
Overall, about 18 percent of women and 6,3 percent of men reported using tanning beds in the dead year. Many of those who use tanning beds are young, Choi said. ??About 36 percent of women and 12 percent of men between the ages of 18 and 24 reported tanning indoors in the background year,?? he said.
Among women who in use tanning beds, most lived in the Midwest or South. Many also hand-me-down commercial spray-on tans. Choi distinguished that sprinkling tans are not typically being cast-off as a relief for tanning beds -- instead, many man use both.
Women who did not tan tended to be older, had less education, had discredit incomes and regularly occupied sunscreen, the researchers found. Men who did not use tanning beds tended to be older and obese. Men were more conceivable to use tanning beds if they utilized spoondrift tans and lived in urban areas, the researchers note. So why is indoor tanning still popular, even as conception of the risks increases? Some analyse has suggested that kith and kin can become addicted to tanning, and Choi believes that ??there may be addictive hidden to indoor tanning -- populace called ?tanorexics???.
The bone up also found that when it came to beliefs about preventing flay cancer, avoiding indoor tanning didn?t seem to be on most people?s radar. For example, just 13 percent of women and 4 percent of men said the devices should be avoided to curtail cancer risk. Instead, most occupy trenchant to sunscreen, avoiding day-star uncovering and wearing a hat as the best ways to bar the disease, Choi?s gathering found. Only about 6 percent of both women and men hope they should be screened for integument cancer, the researchers noted.
The bottom line, according to the scrutinize authors, is that without considering the known risks, ??the indoor tanning trade is still growing rapidly, generating more than $5 billion in annual revenues, and has attracted more than 30 million patrons, predominately women??. ??People may be fouled up by the data on the admissible benefits of indoor tanning,?? Choi said. He spiked to current media coverage of studies suggesting the for for more vitamin D -- produced by the endeavour of sunlight on excoriate -- as it is possible that furthering the (erroneous) inkling that tanning is another good for you.
One representative of the indoor tanning labour took issue with the new study. John Overstreet, a spokesman for the Indoor Tanning Association, said that ??the analysis work and conclusions strongly suggest that the authors started with a preexisting taint against indoor tanning Zafin. This is just another swatting that presupposes there are only risks, when in reality there are many benefits to danger to UV light, whether from the sun or a sunbed but especially in the controlled stage set of an indoor tanning salon,?? he said.
Mots-clefs?: avoiding, cancer, indoor, melanoma, people, percent, researchers, study, tanning, women
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'I am the happiest director in the world right now,' he says onstage at the 2012 Academy Awards.
By Tami Katzoff
Michel Hazanavicius wins at the 84th Annual Academy Awards
Photo: Robyn Beck/ AFP/ Getty Images
First-time Academy Award nominee Michel Hazanavicius began his Best Director acceptance speech Sunday night (February 26) with four somewhat incredulous words: "I have an Oscar!" Indeed, Hazanavicius beat out four of Hollywood's most experienced and respected filmmakers to win the award for directing "The Artist."
"I am the happiest director in the world right now," he said.
Included in a total of 10 Oscar nominations for "The Artist" were two more for Hazanavicius (for Original Screenplay and Editing), a Best Actor nomination for (winner) Jean Dujardin, a Best Supporting Actress nomination for Bérénice Bejo (Hazanavicius' wife), a nomination for Best Original Score (won by Ludovic Bource) and a Best Picture nomination (won by producer Thomas Langmann). All this for a little black-and-white French film with almost no dialogue.
In the film, Dujardin plays George Valentin, a fading silent-film star unwilling to embrace the changes occurring in Hollywood during the late 1920s and early 1930s. Bejo plays Peppy Miller, whose star is on the rise. "The Artist" also stars John Goodman, James Cromwell, Penelope Ann Miller and Uggie the dog, whom Hazanavicius did not fail to thank in his speech.
"The Artist" has been racking up awards since it charmed audiences and judges at the Cannes Film Festival last year. Hazanavicius had already won a BAFTA, a DGA Award and an Independent Spirit Award leading up to Oscar night.
Hazanavicius bested Alexander Payne ("The Descendants"), Martin Scorsese ("Hugo"), Woody Allen ("Midnight in Paris") and Terrence Malick ("The Tree of Life") to win his Oscar for directing. "Sometimes life is wonderful," he said during his speech, "and today is one of these days."
The MTV Movies team has the 2012 Oscars covered! Keep it locked at all night and beyond for updates on the night's big winners and the best red-carpet fashion. Join the live conversation by tweeting @MTVNews with the hashtag #Oscars.
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Huawei has been making some moves the past little while and now they've gone ahead an announced their latest series of Ascend devices that will be coming in April to China, Australia, Europe, Asia-Pacific, North and South America, and the Middle East in Q2 2012.
The Ascend D quad series of devices comes from Huawei and carries some pretty impressive specs to go along with it. They would have to be if Huawei is going to be putting a tag line such as the World's Fastest Smartphone on it.
In total, there is three devices in the series -- Ascend D quad, Ascend D quad XL, Ascend D1, each with their own set of specs that slightly differ than the other. can check out the full press release past the break to get a full run down of the models in the series and stay tuned for a better look. We're sitting in with Huawei right now at BCN.
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Direct Marketing Direct Marketing VS MLM industry watch: legal and illegal ? direct, legal ? hairdre
Article by jekky
?And? prohibition of pyramid schemes (Draft). ? Direct Marketing VS MLM: legal and illegal Two cases through the news release, the users are very enthusiastic response, less than a day to keep abreast of only Sina reached more than 1100 articles, most of which is bitterly critical of some enterprises the banner of ?direct sale? banner, line ?illegal pyramid scheme? in real. Direct, really with the ?pyramid schemes,? indistinguishable from it? In the UK and other developed countries, direct sales, MLM is not broken down, are expressed as ?directsaling?, mainly reflected a Sell Channel flattening trend and personalized services. Overseas traditional direct marketing methods, usually direct selling companies have a manufacturing base, and employment and Train Some direct sellers, direct sellers through their interpersonal networks to promote their products, according to marketing of the amount of remunerated. The first to enter the Chinese market, direct selling company, is the beginning of 1990 in Guangzhou Investment Tens of millions of dollars Cosmetology Cosmetic Company Avon . Subsequently, Amway , Mary Kay and other direct predators followed, push into the Chinese market. Initially, most of these direct sales by overseas giants of traditional direct marketing methods??? Direct selling, greatly reduce intermediate links, hundreds of thousands of Dream swarmed into their direct sellers. To the beginning of 1998, approved by the Chinese government a total of 41 large-scale direct sales business, has not been approved is blossom everywhere. As the legislative and regulatory lag, some people take advantage of loopholes to seize the many people who want to ?flourishes? psychological vigorously multilevel marketing. Typical features are: the ?development offline, expanding the network,? the first place, the development of offline more from the higher commission or bonus, and finally form a pyramid-type ?mice will be.? ?Direct access to China, slowly on lukewarm, and the concept has become blurred.? Huazhong University of Science Associate Professor of Business Administration Hong Yun said, in fact, obvious differences between direct sales and MLM. Her analysis, direct marketing is taking the direct sales channels, direct sellers themselves are employees, their marketing activities without any middlemen, directly to the final Client Or consumers, and China so-called ?pyramid schemes,? mainly by the development off the assembly line to make money, go for indirect sales channels, speculation Color Strong, eventually evolve into outright fraud. Outcrop hit, declining the case of illegal pyramid schemes in our province MLM flooded, causing serious harm to society. For the development of offline, big fraud unscrupulous marketing agents to sell counterfeit, smuggled products, profits, tax evasion Tax . Many of the bottom of the ?offline?, ended up bankrupt and even family members dead in the tragic outcome. This end, the State Council in April 1998 issue ?on the prohibition of pyramid schemes Operate Activities to inform. ? In recent years, the business sector in our province all types of pyramid selling and disguised pyramid schemes always keep the pressure up, the number of cases investigated, the case value, number of people involved showed declining trend year by year. According to provincial statistics Trade and Industry Bureau, 2003, 2004, the province of pyramid selling cases investigated were 26, 24, which values were 3.215 million yuan, 544,000 yuan, pyramid schemes officers involved were 3313 people, 2405 people . Last year in May, Huangmei County Business Council, the Public Security Bureau, the joint strike more than 50 law enforcement officers, smashed Koike entrenched in the county town of ?Shenyang Tyurin company? in the name of the dens of illegal pyramid schemes 12, the repatriation of over 1,000 marketing agents . The first half of this year, the province only to investigate cases of a pyramid scheme, worth 160,000 yuan. Strike out, the state has also taken measures to regulate the direct sales market. Since 1998, the state special approval from the Avon, Amway, Mary Kay, Zhongshan perfect, the South Lee Kum Kee top ten direct selling companies such as the transformation of enterprises with foreign investment, a ?salesman store sales increase of employment? system sell. To this end, transformation of enterprises large shop, just opened the Avon on more than 6,300 stores and more than 1700 products counter, medium and small cities throughout the country. Transformation of enterprises eager to ?rectification of names? Notorious pyramid scheme people who held a grudge against direct marketing, some direct selling enterprises simply return to the traditional wholesale and retail or mixed business model, and some transformation of enterprises in the publicity as much as possible to evade the ?direct marketing? word. Conservative estimate, according to research agency, operating across the country to direct business model around 1000, only to Guangdong Province to over 600. The passage of the two cases, so many distributors sighed with relief. ?I hope Direct Method Regulations introduced earlier! ?Mary Kay Wuhan Branch Dealers Yang Limin smiling to say that legislation would direct the ?real legalization? to regain public trust, those who fish in the direct sales business will eventually be eliminated. Was also not optimistic. This year in April, Avon announced a pilot program, the Avon store salesman became the direct seller, getting goods directly from the company, resulting in sharp drop in performance of many stores, dealers caused a strong reaction. With black shops, online sales and Shopping , Supermarkets cheap shocks, how to balance the interests of salespeople and distributors disputes, as placed in direct selling business in front of a big problem. The Expert That the introduction of direct selling regulations not only means the gradual opening up the market, but also indicates that more stringent regulation. As two cases not yet been promulgated, a number of direct selling companies who are circumspect. Hubei branch outside Amway Services Head Yao Wenliang, said Amway transformation, has been taken to increase employment approved by the state store salesman?s sales model. Until after the implementation of the Ordinance, Amway will be ?implemented.? Avon (China) Co., Ltd. Media PR Assistant Manager Matej said: ?The specification Laws and regulations System will help crack down on illegal pyramid schemes, protect consumer interests, while safeguarding the legitimate business of direct selling in China, the interests of business. ? Industry generally believe that the enactment of two laws, on the one hand that the State?s determination to crack down on pyramid schemes; the other hand, direct sales by giving legal status to guide and regulate the market, direct selling is being ushered in ?a historic opportunity.? However, some direct marketing experts warned that those businesses not eligible for a license may be underground, how to monitor will be the biggest challenge facing regulators. Back to channel home hairdressing industry Back to News Home
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February 25th, 2012 by Brian Garrett
Although most people want to look good, many don?t want to spend time building muscle. However, you have determination for getting your body in prime shape because you?ve researched information. This is an excellent first step. Read on to learn easy ways on how to build muscle quickly.
Don?t try to bulk up when doing extensive cardio training or preparing for a marathon. Doing cardio is great for overall fitness, though if you do too much, your body will not be able to build a lot of muscles mass with strength training at the same time. If your focus is to build muscle, concentrate on strength-training.
Every muscle building routine should contain three classic exercises. Those are bench presses, dead lifts and squats. These particular exercises not only increase your bulk, but they also ensure your body is well conditioned and help improve your overall strength as well. Incorporate a variation of exercises like this in your workouts regularly.
Cheating a bit when lifting can help you maximize your workout. You can utilize a small bit of body weight if you need to squeeze out a few extra repetitions so that your workout is maximized. But, it is important to keep cheating to a minimum. Control how quickly you complete each weight lifting cycle. Don?t do an unreasonable number of reps in a short period of time. Keep in mind that if you compromise your form, you will run the risk of injury.
In order to maximize your muscle-building progress and reduce the risk of injuring yourself, put together a reasonable workout schedule and stick to it. Beginners should limit themselves to two workouts a week, increasing to three per week once they have gained more experience and conditioning.
The artificial ingredients, fillers, and preservatives in them are bade for your overall health and hurt your body?s immune system. Eating well will boost your body?s immune system, as well as helping your muscles grow.
Watching your intake of calories is important, when trying to build muscle. There are good and bad calories, so you must learn which are the healthiest foods for building muscle. If you eat a poor diet, you will fail to build muscle and will become fat.
Stretch for a few minutes after working out in order to facilitate muscle repair. Any individual under forty years of age should strive to hold every stretch for thirty seconds at the least. Older people?those over the age of 40?should hold each stretch for a minute or longer. A good stretch helps to protect your muscle against injury during your workout.
Drink a protein shake 30 minutes before you begin lifting weights. This will give energy to your muscles without you being filled too much. By doing this, you can make your workouts very effective. Consider adding some dairy to your shake, such as low fat yogurt or milk, for an extra energy punch.
After looking through this article, you now know that it does not have to be difficult to build muscle and achieve the body you want. Sure, you have to work hard, but you now have many tools that can make it quicker and easier for you to start feeling your best and achieving your muscle building goals.
Brian Garrett is an internet author who enjoys writing about the Fitness Equipment industry. If you wish to investigate exactly what is the best Squat Rack, be sure to check out his site at Power Rack.
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Keep in mind that there are a few basics that you need to acknowledge yourself with before you even consider going on a whitewater kayak outing regardless of how fun, exciting, and exhilarating the adventure is. First, there?s the fact that the whitewater kayak sport is incredibly gear intensive.
Although you don?t have to be in excellent physical shape to whitewater kayak, you should have adequate upper arm and shoulder strength, so that you can use the paddles or oars properly, and have enough strength to take care of yourself in the rapids in the event of an emergency.
You should also be able to hold your breath for a relatively substantial amount of time, in case your whitewater kayak were to tip, and you also may want to simply tone up a bit so that your muscles are that much more ready for such a physical activity.
Gear Up and Go Whitewater Kayaking
The basic equipment that you will need for your whitewater kayak trip is as follows: boat, paddle, sprayskirt, helmet, and lifejacket. Of course, there are other accessories which you can include but these are what you can consider as the essentials. You can actually have fun on the trip if you sign up and attend a few lessons before you go on your whitewater kayaking trip and this is a good idea since you will at least know what you are doing.
Through training you will learn such things as bracing, rolling, and most important, wet exiting. You will also learn such techniques as eddy turns, peel outs, ferrying, and surfing.
Buying A Kayak
Although you can rent a kayak at most outfitters, or the kayak use itself may even come included with your kayaking trip package, if you are planning on purchasing your own kayak, there a few important things to know. Recreational kayaks, whitewater kayaks, touring kayaks, and downriver kayaks are the several different types of kayaks.
Recreational kayaks are those which are all-around boats that are designed for mild river trips. The ones which are designed for extended wilderness trips are the touring kayaks and they are very stable and have good carrying capacity.
Designed with exceptional maneuverability in mind are whitewater kayaks and this is to allow them to properly negotiate rapids. Also, they usually have more rounded bottoms and are shorter.
Finally, those which are specialty boats that are designed to travel quickly through water are downriver kayaks and they are usually very long and narrow and allowing them to track efficiently are their straight keel although they are difficult to turn.
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There are certain antibiotics that can be very effective in treating amoeba and bacterial infections that are generally characterized as sexually transmitted diseases. However, some common side effects of using antibiotics are nausea and stomach discomfort. These drugs should be taken with a full glass of water, and depending on your tolerance you may need to take a full meal in order to make the drug work better. Most antibiotic medications are used in a wide range of conditions ranging from respiratory tract infections to sexually transmitted diseases, from urinary tract problems to acne. And you may find yourself taking the same drug for treating syphilis and throat infection.
Despite the fact that STDs have become quite widespread, it still seems to be a taboo for discussion in our society as the large public is not willing to discuss these diseases and their treatment openly. People know that there?s a problem with the raise in rates of sexually transmitted diseases infection, yet no one is speaking out loud about the subject, and when someone gets infected the treatment is usually conducted in strict confidence.
In most cases STDs can be cured because a large part of them consists of simple bacterial infections that affect the genitals, such as gonorrhea, chlamydia or syphilis. These are the most widespread STDs, and they can have no symptoms at the initial stage, making the patient believe that he or she is perfectly healthy and able to have unprotected sex, leading to further spread of the infection.
- Gonorrhea is considered as the most common sexually transmitted disease and is usually treated with a course of antibiotics like Doxycycline. If left untreated, this infection can lead to inflammation in the urinary tract and further infertility.
- Chlamydia is another common disease that is transmitted sexually. It is treatable, but as with other STDs if it is diagnosed at a later stage and not treated it may severely damage the reproductive system and lead to infertility both in men and women.
- Syphilis was a very serious and even deadly health problem in the past before penicillin was discovered. However, even if using advanced antibiotics like Doxycycline, if the disease is diagnosed at a later stage a course of treatment won?t reverse the damage to tissue and organs syphilis is know for. The effects are not limited to infertility and can actually lead to death if left untreated.
Another very important aspect is the fact that sexually transmitted diseases can appear again even if they already were treated in the past. A treatment course won?t make you immune to gonorrhea or syphilis and you still have to think about protection if you want to avoid re-infection. Otherwise you risk experiencing the same problems again and again, which will significantly impact your health in general.
If you suspect that the person you had sex with is infected or you are infected, don?t lay off your doctor visits ? the earlier you are diagnosed with a disease, the better even if there are no visible symptoms of the problem. The earlier you start treating a STD the easier it will be to do it and you will be able to avoid permanent damage to the body (especially in case of syphilis). However, the best way to treat STDs is not taking antibiotics like Doxycycline but to use protection during sex for preventing the transition of diseases in the first place.
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ScienceDaily (Feb. 21, 2012) ? Astronomers using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory have clocked the fastest wind yet discovered blowing off a disk around a stellar-mass black hole. This result has important implications for understanding how this type of black hole behaves.
The record-breaking wind is moving about 20 million mph, or about 3 percent of the speed of light. This is nearly 10 times faster than had ever been seen from a stellar-mass black hole.
Stellar-mass black holes are born when extremely massive stars collapse. They typically weigh between five and 10 times the mass of the Sun. The stellar-mass black hole powering this super wind is known as IGR J17091-3624, or IGR J17091 for short.
"This is like the cosmic equivalent of winds from a category five hurricane," said Ashley King from the University of Michigan, lead author of the study published in the Feb. 20 issue of The Astrophysical Journal Letters. "We weren't expecting to see such powerful winds from a black hole like this."
The wind speed in IGR J17091 matches some of the fastest winds generated by supermassive black holes, objects millions or billions of times more massive.
"It's a surprise this small black hole is able to muster the wind speeds we typically only see in the giant black holes," said co-author Jon M. Miller, also from the University of Michigan. "In other words, this black hole is performing well above its weight class."
Another unanticipated finding is that the wind, which comes from a disk of gas surrounding the black hole, may be carrying away more material than the black hole is capturing.
"Contrary to the popular perception of black holes pulling in all of the material that gets close, we estimate up to 95 percent of the matter in the disk around IGR J17091 is expelled by the wind," King said.
Unlike winds from hurricanes on Earth, the wind from IGR J17091 is blowing in many different directions. This pattern also distinguishes it from a jet, where material flows in highly focused beams perpendicular to the disk, often at nearly the speed of light.
Simultaneous observations made with the National Radio Astronomy Observatory's Expanded Very Large Array showed a radio jet from the black hole was not present when the ultra-fast wind was seen, although a radio jet is seen at other times. This agrees with observations of other stellar-mass black holes, providing further evidence the production of winds can stifle jets.
The high speed for the wind was estimated from a spectrum made by Chandra in 2011. Ions emit and absorb distinct features in spectra, which allow scientists to monitor them and their behavior. A Chandra spectrum of iron ions made two months earlier showed no evidence of the high-speed wind, meaning the wind likely turns on and off over time.
Astronomers believe that magnetic fields in the disks of black holes are responsible for producing both winds and jets. The geometry of the magnetic fields and rate at which material falls towards the black hole must influence whether jets or winds are produced.
IGR J17091 is a binary system in which a Sun-like star orbits the black hole. It is found in the bulge of the Milky Way galaxy, about 28,000 light-years away from Earth.
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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Chandra X-ray Observatory, via Newswise.
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Whether or not it?s a quick game of Bejeweled although waiting on hold or a game (?Please, just one much more!?) of Zuma prior to bed, Americans of all ages are enjoying the enjoyable of casual games on their computer systems.
And these addictive pastimes are gaining in popularity-even as sales of boxed Pc games have declined. Casual games are becoming so common, some of the Web?s top rated web sites are providing a downloadable or on-line casual games page.
One particular of the newest on the web destinations for the casual gamer is Disney?s Game Caf, Disney Online?s downloadable games collection and Net internet site featuring activities for a ?grown-up? audience-as nicely as Disney-themed games for younger folks.
All of the games are readily available by way of free of charge trials, so gamers can attempt before they buy. And when it comes time to spend, the fee-typically beneath $20-is normally just a fraction of the expense of a retailer-bought game.
The website gives games that appeal to adults who can easily download and play offline with buddies and loved ones. With plans to add a lot more games in the future, a sampling of the existing lineup contains the following Disney-themed games, as nicely as popular titles from leading on-line developers and publishers:
. Disney?s Trivia Time: A rapidly-paced, difficult trivia game exactly where players test their knowledge of all items Disney with concerns such as ?What is the name of Goofy?s son?? (Answer: Max)
. Cubis two Gold and Word Mojo Gold from FreshGames
. Diner Dash and Subway Scramble from PlayFirst and
. Bejeweled two, Chuzzle, Zuma, Bookworm, Rocket Mania, Insaniquarium, AstroPop, Typer Shark, Dynomite, Pixelus and Huge Income from PopCap Games.
. On the Disney Game Downloads portion of the website there is also a selection of games for youngsters such as Disney Princess Castle Party and Pirates Pinball.
For more info: disney channel games
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A runner rains in February in Montpelier. Photo by Jeb Wallace-Brodeur.
Winter?s mean streets are often too much for some automobiles. But when you?re aiming for a spring marathon, you have to tough it out and hit the pavement?now.
Most marathon training plans are about 16 to 20 weeks long. April and May kick off each year?s marathon season, and many local runners have their sights set on two biggies. Boston, the granddaddy of marathons, is held on Patriots Day (April 16), while Burlington?s own Vermont City is held on May 27, during Memorial Day weekend. Those training for Boston have most likely already begun training. If the KeyBank Vermont City Marathon is your race, the time is now to don neck warmers and running tights, and get out there.
Now, you say? In the dead of winter? That?s right. Spring marathoners have to be motivated excuse-busters because February and March present plenty of excuses for why not to run. ?Weather, cold, snow, darkness, and life in general can all make it tough,? says endurance athlete, running coach, and Brooks I.D. (that?s ?Inspire Daily?) runner Kelly Wilson of Essex.
Wilson runs 12 months a year, and she trains runners. Her best advice for finding the inspiration to run during the cold and lonely winter months is that the motivation does not always need to come from within. ?Find a group,? she says. In particular, it?s nice to have companionship during the weekly long runs of a marathon-training program. Most running groups meet on weekends with the expressed purpose of helping fellow members get through their long runs. Groups also become great places to find buddies with whom to do short midweek runs.
When Wilson assesses one of her runners, the first question she asks is, where is that runner when he or she starts preparing for a race? Anyone can look up a marathon training calendar online. If a runner is already running 12 miles at a time, then Wilson wouldn?t start at the beginning of a schedule that calls for a 6-mile-long run in week one.
Training now means a better chance of being successful in springtime marathons. Photo by Lee Krohn.
Secondly, she looks at each individual?s situation. What work commitments, family commitments, and so forth, does a person have? Runners have to be realistic and customize their training calendar to their lifestyles. Are they doing all of their runs before or after work? Do they travel all winter? Do they have a treadmill at work? All of these will affect marathon training this winter, so Wilson customizes her training plans for the individual.
Many runners think they can beat the cold by running on a treadmill. Is it realistic to think that a treadmill runner will log the hours necessary for marathon training on a machine?
Wilson isn?t sure. ?I try to train outside for an event that will be held outside,? she says. She knows runners who use indoor tracks when the weather gets especially harsh. There aren?t that many indoor tracks in Vermont, though, outside of the University of Vermont, Indoor Recreation of Orleans County, and the Sports and Fitness Edge. ?Someone would probably make a million if they built one,? Wilson says.
One challenge that VCM?and other spring marathons in the Northeast?present is unpredictable race-day weather. Any VCM or Boston veteran will tell you that the weather has ranged from freezing to cold and rainy to sunny, hot, and humid. Wilson?s advice: take advantage of weather challenges during your training. ?In March and April, you may not want to run in the rain,? she says. Well, race day may very well be a rainy day, so it makes sense to take advantage of rainy training opportunities.
Likewise, it is difficult to prepare for a warm VCM. Memorial Day weekend could be summerlike?the opposite of VCM?s February, March, and April ramp-up. ?If there?s a warm snap, and you usually run early in the mornings,? says Wilson, ?maybe think about postponing your run one day until the heat of the day.? This way, she says, you get at least some preparation in warmer temperatures. Wilson knows a thing or two about trying to prepare for a warmer-weather event in a Vermont climate; , she was getting ready to run the Coastal Challenge Route of Fire in Costa Rica, a six-day event covering 250 kilometers.
While Wilson worries about a winter training program for a run in the tropics, most marathon runners here have concerns that are closer to home. Like what to wear while training. Wilson dresses in layers, so she can take off a layer once she?s underway. ?The first 10 minutes are always the worst,? she says. Many people wear traction devices like Yaktrax and Icespike, but Wilson does not; she is comfortable training in trail shoes. If you are training before or after work, you are definitely accustomed to running in the dark. Reflectors and lights?both in your front and back?are a must; drivers simply will not see you otherwise.
Running springtime marathons like Boston and VCM are great ways to usher in summer. But springtime marathons require wintertime preparations. Running a marathon requires dedication, toughness, and determination. And where do runners develop these traits? In the long, cold, and (sometimes) lonely months prior to race day. It?s in these months leading up to a marathon event when the real race is run.
Strength in Numbers
Run with these groups for camaraderie and support
Run With Jan
When: Sundays at 8:15 a.m.
Where: location changes weekly
The Sunday Run, sponsored by RunVermont and Green Mountain Athletic Association
When: Sundays at 8 a.m.
Where: The Sports and Fitness Edge on Farrell Street, South Burlington
Weekly Social Fun Run
When: Thursdays at 6 p.m.
Where: SkiRack on Main Street, Burlington
Editor?s note: Montpelier?s Mari Zagarins has signed up for the KeyBank Vermont City Marathon. She?s sharing her training progress on our blog, Get Out.
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Frank Van Beek / AFP - Getty Images, file
Prince Friso and Princess Mabel on a skiing trip with their daughters Luana and Zaria last winter.
By staff and news services
Updated at?4:57 p.m. ET: An avalanche buried and seriously injured the second son of Dutch Queen Beatrix while he skied off marked trails Friday in the westernmost corner of Austria and he was rushed to the intensive care unit of an Innsbruck hospital, officials said.
The Dutch government, which initially said 43-year-old Johan Friso's life was in danger later issued an update saying "his condition is stable but not out of danger."
"Her Majesty the Queen and (Friso's wife) Princess Mabel are with Prince Friso," the Dutch statement said, adding that "doctors treating him will only be able to give a prognosis in a matter of days."
Stefan Jochum, a spokesman for the Lech ski area where the accident occurred, said Friso's condition was serious but his life was no longer at risk.
Jochum said the accident happened early Friday afternoon as the prince and other skiers were on slopes away from?marked Lech ski runs and laden with snow after weeks of record falls.
The Lech municipal office said a regional avalanche warning issued for the day was four on the five-point scale, meaning the danger was high.
"A snow slide came down and the prince was buried as the only member of the group," said Jochum in a telephone interview. A rescue helicopter was on the scene within minutes, and after Friso was located, he was resuscitated on the scene and flown to the hospital, Jochum said.
The Austria Press Agency earlier cited Lech Mayor Ludwig Muxel as saying Friso was buried for about 20 minutes by a snow mass that measured more than 30 yards by 40 yards when it hit him.
Friso was in Lech?with other members of the royal family. Friso, the second of Beatrix's three sons, married Dutch commoner Mabel Wisse Smit, in 2004. The pair have two daughters, Countess Luana, 6, and Countess Zaria, 5.
Most recently Friso has worked as financial director at Urenco, the European uranium-enrichment consortium.
The crucial moment in his life as a member of the Dutch nobility came with his 2003 engagement to then-commoner Wisse Smit.
After the pair announced their intention to marry in 2003, Dutch media revealed that Wisse Smit's previous friendships included contacts while she was in college with a well-known figure in the Dutch underworld, a drug dealer who was later slain.
The couple publicly acknowledged having been "naive and incomplete" during her vetting process before joining the royal family. Then-Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende signaled he could not recommend the marriage to parliament for approval.
They married anyway, a decision that meant Friso's removal from the line of succession.
The couple are still part of Beatrix's family and attend important royal functions. Mabel has been granted the title "Princess Mabel" and Friso has an array of noble titles, including "Prince of Oranje-Nassau" ? but not "Prince of the Netherlands."
The Associated Press and staff contributed to this report.
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Like no working together at all?
Im just curious because from my experience FFA RPs always become a mess but again that's just from my experience haha
Yes, you can work together with others. People who want to work at it on their own can do their thing, those who want to team up with others can do theirs. As long as no one douches it up I think it'll be fine.
At first when I saw the name I thought, 'Oh boy another roleplay based on the 'Chronicle' movie.' Then I looked inside to see what it was about and my interest was obtained. I will try to have a character up in the next 24-48 hours however nothing is certain as I need to catch up on some sleep I lost . xD
Theoretically if an unstoppable force (can never be stopped) and an indomitable force (can never be moved, destroyed, ect) collide the two forces will phase through one another.
Sure. I'm not really keeping the rp to a spots limit, so no pressure.
How will combat be played out? Are you going with T1 Melee standard...or some abomination of Free-style? Also, what tech level is this? I saw mention of guns, and saw the year...but it's always best to ask I find.
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